*Cymande were a great funk act; "Brothers on the Slide" is such a seriously hot track. Laid-back in the coolest way possible, song will "get into your bones" after maybe 3 seconds. Also, spaceba r on m y k ey b oardis pu re fuck e d a nd t hatsen ten ce tookme 5 minutes to type. I m ay giv eup o n t h e fucking thing. Also, gonna use asterisks (I don't know how exactly to spell that) instead of numbered posts. Reason being, I didn't think to until afterward and I'm useless at blogger, and couldn't figure out how to edit them (the numbered post thing) in. Maybe I'll always use asterisks from now on.
**Second track I'll put up is one of my favorite covers of all-time. What we got is Funkadelic and Ruth Copeland doing "Gimme Shelter" from the Stones; it's a fine job.. Tag on the track will be wrong, but that's what the file should be called (also a WMA, as other tracks here are....)......
***Y'all might have heard this already, but Simian has remixed Dosed Became Invisible & Drugs, by Joy Zipper.
****Here's another good track; Eddie Gale - Song of Will (Jazzanova remix)
*****Also, I found an Utada Hikaru song tonight that's been on my computer for a while; I either never bothered listening to it, or had completely forgot about it. Anyway, I'll up it here. Apparently, she's Japan's biggest pop star, or something. Did not know that. I'm feeling some shoegaze on this track(reminiscent of the Cocteau Twins, kinda maybe); no idea what her other stuff sounds like or anything.
Utada Hikaru - Passion
****** Last thing; I'm seriously excited about Guillermo Del Toro's "Pan's Labyrinth". Here's the Youtube link to the trailer - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0zJxL0CHa0 . Looks terrifying, especially that fucked-up freak with eyes in his hands instead of his face. Dunno if they're gonna have it on in the cinema in LK, but I know that Queen's showing it at the end of November in the QFT.